A.C.E. 3
ACE CD 3.iso
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130 lines
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__/ /\ \ / / E TYPES BY TRA & RODDERS
\ / \\ / / S FOR LSD
\ o\ / / E
__ \ \_/ N Taken From Amiga Format
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You start off with a pretty useless ship. It`s got hardly any cargo space
and it`s not great for trading. Because it has only got a 1MW pulse laser
and no room for shields, it`s not very good in combat either. But you can
make the most of a bad situation after you make some money. First, fit a
Class One military drive, and remove your missiles. Then fit either a 4MW
pulse laser, or a 1MW beam laser.
Alternatively, you could always leave the space for cargo. From there,
upgrade to a Viper defence craft, fitting a couple of shields, and a 1MW
beam laser. Then the choice of ships is very much up to you. Personally,
I use a Cobra Mk3 with 1MW beam lasers, Class Three Military drive (18
Light years) four shields, radar mapper, cloud analyser and an Electronic
Counter Measures (ECM) system.
Here are a few rules for you to follow:
1. An ECM is essential. There`s nothing more annoying than almost
destroying a ship only to be cruelly taken out by a missile! Buy as soon
as you can.
2. For your own missiles, use naval missles, as they are more powerful,
and are unaffected by any ECM system. The tougher opponents usually have
one. They aren`t much more expensive, and are worth the extra.
3. Buy a Radar Mapper. It only weighs a tonne, and soon pays for itself
in bounty. It also give you invaluable information on your enemy`s shields
and equipment.
4. Get some shields! Buy as many of them as you can hold without reducing
your cargo space too much.
Remember, shields recharge for free, but your hull will stay damaged and it
will cost you to repair it. Shields also offer protection against
destruction by energy bombs.
5. Lasers are a matter of taste. Pulse lasers can actually do more damage
with a single shot, and don`t overheat. Beam lasers are easier to score a
hit with, but you`ll need to keep the ship in your sights to do real
damage. Only get a cooling booster for 4MW beam lasers and above, with
which it is essential. Learn to identify your enemy`s laser from its
1MW - Red
4MW/5MW - Yellow
20MW - Thin White
100MW - Pale Blue
Plasma accelerator - Thick White. (If you see this - RUN!!)
6. Energy bombs are handy for emergencies. They destroy unshielded and
lightly-shielded ships. Use them when you are being chased by squadrons of
police Vipers. If an enemy uses one against you, you`ll see a halo of
multi coloured starts spinning around it.
7. Escape capsules are a complete waste of money and valuable cargo space.
If you use one you`ll keep your money, but lose both your cargo and ship
which will probably amount to more than your cash. Worse still, you`ll end
up with only an Eagle ship, so you`re better off loading a saved game.
8. Have a deluxe service every nine to 10 months at one of the
better-developed systems. If you neglect your ship, it`s liable to start
breaking down when it`s most inconvenient - perhaps in the middle of
Before your start to wander around systems picking fights, remember that
you will come up against some lethal foes. Wait until you have a large
well-equipped ship, then jump to a Frontier System, or a Minimal Police
Protection area, with enough fuel for a jump to a friendly system. Power
down your engines and put the time-advance on to maximum, broadcasting
distress signals at intervals.
Sooner or later you`ll be attacked! Another method of entering into combat
which sometimes works is to jettison a load of rubbish, then hang around
the cloud of canisters and see if anybody decides to have a go at you.
It`s amazing how upset some people get when you jettison a huge pile of
rubbish in their part of the solar system.
You will also be attacked more often if you are carrying an expensive cargo
or illegal goods. Remember to be ready for a jump in case things get too
hot to handle. Some ships will follow you if they have a hyperspace cloud
analyser. This is even better if you have a Radar Mapper, because you can
collect bounties from the scum who hang around the seedier parts of space.
Working for the Military of either side is a particularly good way to
steadily and safely progress in the game. The Military are far stingier
than the general public when it comes to paying you, but the work is fairly
regular, and it`s not too dangerous at first.
The best way to get Military work is to go to one of the major bases such
as Eta Casseopeia - Federation, or Facece - Empire, and then scan the
Bulletin Board`s Military advertisement to find out what missions are
The more you can take to a particular system, the quicker your rating
rises. Missions with Secret or High Command in them involve a greater
degree of risk, but they pay more, and count for more. Who knows, you may
even get some medals.